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Homemade Food for 45 Days Puppy – Know what to avoid?

Homemade Food for 45 Days Puppy – Know what to avoid?

Homemade food for 45 days puppy that you can prefer like boneless chicken, steamed rice, mashed potatoes with vegetable oil. Dog owners can also take vitamin and mineral supplements.

Although preparing food for your pet takes some effort somehow it will help in saving your pocket. But how healthy is homemade food for a puppy and what are the other requirements? Let us know in detail.

What is the best homemade food for 45 days puppy?

Although there are many options available in the market home-cooked food is made with more love and concern. But it is also important to have a balance of protein and nutrition when serving food to puppies. So here are some of the best home foods or homemade food for 45 days puppy:

ProteinUse boneless and skinless chicken and boil itShred them or cut them into small pieces before servingBoiled soya chunks are also one of the best protein diet
CarbohydrateBoil potato/sweet potato and mash itYou can also use oat meal
Green vegetablesBoil green vegetables it is a great source of vitamins and minerals. Leafy vegetables are best when it comes to natural sources of vitamins or minerals.Chopped in small pieces, crush, and mash if you are serving peas.
Vitamins/minerals (specifically)For natural sources you can go for spinach, carrots and blueberries. There are many supplements available in the market. But it is essential to concern about it with the experts or a doctor.
FatsHealthy fats support brain development and provide energy. Include: Fish oilFlaxseed oilCoconut oil (in moderation)

What are the foods that can be avoided for a pup?

Foods to avoid

Certain foods can be harmful or even toxic to puppies. Always avoid:

  • Onions and garlic
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Chocolate
  • Avocado
  • Raw or undercooked meats
  • Bones (risk of splintering)

What are the essential consideration that the pet owners should know?

As we know the digestive system of a 45-days old puppy is very sensitive, so we must take care of the following things:

Portion control

At 45 days old, puppies typically need to eat small meals frequently throughout the day. A general guideline is:

  • 4-6 small meals per day
  • Adjust portion sizes based on your puppy’s weight and activity level

Transitioning to homemade food

If your puppy has been on commercial food, transition slowly:

  1. Start by mixing 25% homemade food with 75% current food
  2. Gradually increase the proportion of homemade food over 7-10 days
  3. Monitor your puppy for any digestive issues during the transition


Even with a balanced homemade diet, your puppy may need supplements to ensure they’re getting all the necessary nutrients. Discuss with your vet about:

  • Calcium supplements
  • Multivitamins formulated for puppies

About meal portions and control?

When we prepare Homemade food for 45 days puppy we must also fix and control appropriate portions in meals are:

Appropriate serving sizes

Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health issues. Be mindful of portion sizes.

  • Consult your vet for the right amount based on your puppy’s weight and breed
  • Use a kitchen scale to measure portions accurately
  • Adjust portions as your puppy grows

Establishing a routine

Puppies thrive on routine, including their meal times.

  • Feed your 45-day-old puppy 4-5 small meals throughout the day
  • Gradually reduce the number of meals as they grow older
  • Always provide fresh water alongside meals

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